Who We Are

On Mission

To remove obstacles and create opportunities for you to get to Jesus

Our Mantras

Jesus is our Message
Jesus is the only one that can change anyone, so we want to get everyone in a relationship with him
People are our Purpose
The reason we do any of what we do is for people just like you. We are not here to gather a crowd or produce a following. We are here to help people find friends, meet Jesus, break the cycle, and make a difference.
Leaders are who we Are
You have been given unique gifts, talents, experiences, and influence, we want to help you use it to make a difference where you live, work, and play.
Honor is what we Give
We celebrate others, and we celebrate often. We couldn’t do what we do without you, and we wouldn’t want to.
Generosity is our Joy
God doesn’t want your money, he wants your heart. If you do not give here, give somewhere because otherwise you are missing out on the joy that it can bring.
Our best is what we Bring
We have an A- culture, meaning we pursue excellence in everything that we do, but never over the priority of people. The minus is there to make sure we recognize people while constantly pursuing our best.
Health is what we Pursue
God calls us to be healthy in every area of our lives. We want to help you find emotional, physical, mental, and of course spiritual health no matter where you are at in life.